Pender Island Firefighter Training

Pictured here are Brent Sohier, Saturna Island Fire Chief, and Todd Bulled from Pender Island just after finishing the blindfolded/entanglement/obstacle course at the Pender Fire/Rescue Training Center; a section of the NFPA 1001 course curriculum.

This course, now the provincial training standard for all firefighters [volunteer and paid full-time], is delivered by the staff of Pender Island Fire/Rescue at their Fire Hall #1 using a specially built training ground at that location. Over two semesters, spring and fall, trainees will put in at least 264 hours of onsite training with many, many more hours at home studying course materials; reading, reviewing and preparing for the written exams that go with the hands-on work that makes up this training.

The Saturna Island Volunteer Fire Department has participated in this program for some years with five firefighters having passed the complete course and six more having completed several modules but not fully finished yet.  

Kudos to Brent Sohier and the other volunteers for tackling this challenge: all for the sake of providing quality emergency service to our community.

John Wiznuk 
